To ease the anxiety that many children have over the summer holidays we are trying something new this year!
The children will be moving up to their new classes on Monday 15th July. They will spend a week with their new teacher, in their new classrooms- they will officially be in the year above!
Year 6- will be busy preparing for their leavers performance and supporting the younger children in their new classes. They will have plenty to do!
The classes are as follows
Foundation Stage- Miss Currie/ Mrs Meredith as she is getting married in the Summer holidays and Miss Cahill
Year 1 and 2- Mrs Chambers, Miss Tierney and Mrs Clarke
Year 3 and 4- Miss Holder, Mrs Migliazza/ Miss Bemrose [Class share] and a new teacher Mrs O'Flynn. Mrs Ahmed will support within the 3/4 team until she goes on maternity leave in October.
Year 5 and 6- Mrs Brown, Mrs Warburton and Miss Sadia. Miss Henry will be a student teacher based in year 5/6 from September.
The LAST DAY with your current teacher will be on Friday 12th July. This will be a lovely day of 'End of term' style activities and a chance to say goodbye. Of course all the teachers will be in school until the end of the year but we want to move on up and settle the children in to their new classes in the hope that this creates a better transition come September.
For your information:
You will receive a letter with your child's new class teacher on Monday 8th July. There is a session straight after school on this day- where you can pop in and meet them and say hi.
You will receive your child's school report on Friday 12th July,